Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Long Way Found

Last month, my pal Bob the B'stard and I toured the UK on motorbikes, taking in John O'Groats and Land's End on the way. It took us just over a week, and was rather good fun.

If you'd like to read about our adventures then you're in luck, the Grumbler has spilled the beans, told the secrets, and gossiped the gossip in mini-book form! You can download this short pictorial account here in PDF form.

(For those who don't want a 16Meg download, there's a web version - but it really doesn't match up to the loving care put into the PDF!)


Anonymous said...

looked great fun old chap, did you stay at that doone valley place in exmoor?

The Grumbler said...

Not at Doone valley, but not far from it. Doone valley remains for another trip. Lemme know when yer up for it Louis!